Monday, May 23, 2011

blog 24

  I believe that as other unit this unite was very helpful for me, I have written a lot of new essays about new topics such as about immigrants who work in America. However, every each essay gave me new ideas and improved my writing skill.

  I can definitely say that blog 15, 21, and 22 are my best works. Because I believe that those topics from blog 15, 21 and 22 are truth about the reality, and they are part of our life. Therefore it was not very difficult for me to find examples about those specific topics. For instance, as I person who live in New York it was very easy to write en essay about immigrants, because I can say New york is a city where has been invaded by immigrants. Thus, I was dominated to essay.

  I think that there are some little differences between my online writing and other writing experiences that I did before. I can say that online writing has negative and positive effects on me. Negative effect of online writing on me is for some reason computer's screen light makes my eyes tried very quick therefore takes my concentration away, and it becomes really hard to focus my essay. On the other hand, online writing makes my writing very easy because when I have mistake I can erase it easily or I can move my sentence from one line to other line with out using an eraser. However, I definitely believe that online writing improve my writing skills a lot. Because, as I mentioned above each time I write an essay I have learned how to spell vocabularies and how to use punctuation marks. Of course reading other students essays have gave me new ideas and I have compared my essay with other students essays.

  I have learned many new things in this unit. I found all topics very interesting and helpful for us. I will definitely feel good when I finish this class because now I can see a big difference between my first and last essay in this class. According to me all class was very memorable to me as a foreign student. I was learning new things on every step of class which are going to be very helpful for my next steps at the college.

  As a recommendation for students who are planing to take this class, I can easily say that they have to study hard and write a lot in order to fix their spelling and punctuation mistakes.


  Rudy Ramirez, the Mexican-American drone pilot, lives in The American Dream. Memo dreams os participating in The American Dream by getting nodes and living in the city. But the brutal killing of Memo's father reveals that America/The American dream is dystopia.

  A) Describe how Sleep Dealer Represents The American Dream as a dream that is really a dystopia. How does Memo imagine it at first? How does his brother see it? How does his father see it? How is it represented on TV? How does Memo see and experience it as a worker in the cybermaquilas? What is Rudy's role in The American Dream?

  B) The end of the film has Memo and Rudy come together to create a new dream. What is it? What clues from the film do you have to support your interpretation?


  A) Memo was very interested in technology devices, but after he saw his house on the TV his mind has changed. Because, he realized that his father was in there, and the TV show was given like an entertaining action show on the TV. He kept working in this factory to support his family. His brother liked the American dream and it has seemed to him very funny. Rudy was a soldier in the film and he was killing people in the movie.

  B) At the end of the movie, Memo realized that Luz was collecting some information about him for somebody, and it was Rudy. Because, Rudy was a soldier who killed Memo's farther in the movie, and he was very sorry about it. Therefore, he wanted to find Memo to apologized for killing his father.

blog 22

   In this essay, I will show you how big companies waste world's resources to make their product, how those specific companies effect people on negative way who live in country, and why those people are null for those big companies.

  As Annie Leonard said in her video, today in America big companies have more money than governments have. Therefore, I believe that they have more voice, power in America, and they might use government's power such as Army to steal other countries resources, and sometimes these stealing might cause big wars between countries. They need other countries resources such as oil and some other materials such as plastic to keep producing their products, because we have already lost big percentage of rich sources in America because of those companies.

  On the other hand, being consumer is very important for them. Thus, we watch 3000 different advertising everyday on TV, and of course people who live in big cities are very valuable for those companies, because they are the biggest consumers for them. People who live in country have very simple life which means they are not good consumer according to those companies,and they don’t need a lot of product for their life as much as people need who live in big cities such as bottle water or fast food.

  Another important point that I can mention is those big companies are very harmful for the environment by changing order of nature and people. %40 percentage of world's water has been already polluted by those specific companies wastes. However, we can find a lot of harmful chemical such as sodium nitrite or olestra in their products. Best example for this point is being given in the video by Annie Leonard by saying that, breast milk has been polluted by food which has been product by those companies.

  In conclusion, I can say if we do not prevent those pollution this system will continue forever, and I afraid that finally we are going to lose all source of world and it is going to effect our health very badly.

blog 21

  In “The New Industrial Migrants part 1” writer explains that in the 1980’s a lot of people came to America from central America and Southeast Asia . They were offered little money by slaughterhouses’ owners and lived in old trailers. Today those immigrants earn $9.25 for an hour and offered insurance after six months on the job, and vacation pay, after a year, and most of the workers do not speak English.
  In"the New Industrial Migrants part 2 " writer says that those specific companies realized that immigrants can work lower wages than American citizens. Therefore, they hired those  people and let them lived in shelters. However, writer says that some Mexican radio stations offering jobs for people who live in Mexico to work in America. In addition most of the workers are illegal workers who work in America. However, recent immigrants became new hunt for drug traffickers therefore, they might cause more crime in America. On the other hand, writer says that before those immigrants come to America, they were promised that they are going to live in apartment, but when they got here they were forced to live in homeless shelters. Therefore homeless people were angry with GFI and this news took place on TV.

   As a person who lives in New york I strongly believe that America is the only country in the world,  where has the largest population of migrant workers live. Most of the them come to America to make money or have better life, but unfortunately a lot of them live or work in bad condition places. On the other hand, I feel that this system do not effect American people on positive way. Because recently it has been really tough to find a job for Americans in America.

    New York is a place , where we can find a lot of people who came here to work from other countries. Mostly those immigrants are from south America or Asian countries such as China or Mexico. I strongly believe that they think that they can make more money than they do make in their countries. Thus, they usually take big risks to make more money, such as  leaving their families in their own countries. For example, if we pay attention we can realize that most of the restaurant employers are immigrant and work as delivery boys or waiters .

     As we all know those immigrants work and live in bad conditions. Many of them live in slum in bad condition apartments and most of them share their room with 5 or 6 people. However, they usually work in some places, which do not supply health insurance and pay very little money for an hour for their immigrant workers such as restaurant kitchen business . Writer gives a good example in his article by saying that they live in old motels, sleeping on mattresses that cover the floor.

    On the other hand, I strongly believe that unemployment is getting big problem for American citizens. Because, many American companies such as meatpacking company from the article realize that immigrants could work for lower wages with out health insurance and vacation. Therefore they prefer to recruit immigrants rather than American citizens. Maybe it doesn't seem a big problem right now but in a few year if the government doesn't take precaution for this point I believe that it might be a big problem for American citizens.

    As a result, we have a lot of immigrants from other countries and they live and wok in bad condition situation. As I mentioned above unemployment is not a big problem right know for American citizens but people are aware that their jobs are being stolen by immigrants who work for lower wages .

Friday, May 13, 2011


   I really enjoyed food unite. I have learned many helpful information from this unit. I can say Meatrix was the most enjoyable part of the unit. Especially Super Size Me was very enlightened.

    There are a lot of similarities between previous topics Truman Show, Allegory of The Cave, Matrix and food unite. Both Media unit, and food unit about learning unknown of the world. For example, in Matrix, Leo try to find truth by getting red pill, and being together with some other people who show him to the real world. Its is same in Meatrix too. Leo, in Meatrix is getting red pill as well, and try to find reality by visiting modern world factories. However, there is an escape to the reality in Truman show and Allegory of the Cave. In food unit, writer try to show us that what we eat is fake; it is not real, and he says that we have to find the truth, and we have to eat heather.
    I strongly believe that they used Matrix in Meatrix because, it is very simple way to show what is the different between family farms, and modern farms for people. As Leo did in Matrix, Leo in Meatrix runs away from family farm, and see modern farms in real world. Because, maker of Meatrix wants us to see the reality of modern farms. What they produce there in modern farms is not healthy, and all products have chemical in. They claim that it is better to visit farmer markets and buy organic foods.

    I can say Cat 3 was much better than other Cat 1 and Cat 2 for me. Because, I felt much ready by the time I got Cat 3. Especially, food unit was very interesting for me. I have learned many new things, and most of the them were casual subjects. Therefore. It made me focus better on my essay .

    As a result, I have learned many new subjects in this part, and I improve my writing by learning new things. However, similarities between unit was helpful as well. It was more easy for me to find an example while I write an essay.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

blog 19

1) What items in Pollan's advice make sense to you.

                    First paragraph of his article makes really sense for me because whenever I used to have breakfast with my grand mom we would have organic food on the table and taste much more better.

2) Which could you implement right away?

                    Eating less meat and more green. However cooking at home and eating slowly.

3) Which seems hard to do or farfetched?

                    Planting a garden is impossible for me. Because my apartment doesn't have a garden.

4) Which you wish you could do, but your present life style doesn't make possible.

                    I wish i could plant a garden. Because I really want to eat fresh healthy food from a garden. But unfortunately my present life style doesn't let me do this. Definitely, in the future I will plant my own garden and get my own fresh food. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

blog: 17 The End of Overeating

    In "The End of Overeating" David A. Kessler states that mostly fast food companies come into question with their new products almost every six month, and they make people eat their products. However, he claims that some products such as Cinnabons and Starbucks Strawberries & crème Frappuccinos contain a lot of fat, sugar, and salt, and those elements make people addicted. Thus result of research on rats support Kessler's idea, and proves that how animals become addicted when they eat those food which contain fat, and sweet elements. In addition, Kessler advises one of his readers to not the watch TV programs that are about dieting.

   As a person I believe that fast food industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. They mostly come into question with their new products which are very popular among people. In this essay, I am going to explain the reason why fast food products are unhealthy, what kind of effects do they have on people, and why TV programs are not useful for people which contain dieting topics.

   New York is the one of the biggest cities in the World that is where you can find many different fast food companies almost on every corner. In New York, usually people work hard, and they only have an hour for their lunch. Therefore, people go to the fast food restaurants,where they can get their tasty food in 5 minute. Because of that, most of the time fast food restaurants come at the top of their list. Maybe we don't realize but those kind of food contains harmful element such as salt, sugar, and fat. If we consume a lot from those kind of food, it is going to affect our health on negative way. Those elements might cause very significant diseases such as diabetes, and blood diseases.

   On the other hand, those kind of foods make people addicted which contain harmful element such as sugar and salt. But still they use those elements in their product nevertheless they know how those elements are dangerous for people. However, I recently realized that those fast food restaurants have special menus for kids called junior menu which is extremely dangerous for our kids. I can't imagine what kind of disease they are going to host in their body or how they are going to addicted to those foods in the future. As we read in the reading passage, Kessler supports his idea by giving example a result of research on rats which proves that animal's brain react to these kind of harmful elements might be a good example for this topic.

    One another important think that I would like to mention is TV programs about dieting. I strongly believe that those programs have bad ways as much as they have good ways. I am definitely against those kind of programs. The reason why I am against is because, I feel that those kind of programs are being made by some companies to sell or advertise their products for people who have obesity problem. Any time I watch these kind of programs they offer different product but produce under the same company name.

    As a result, eating fast food is definitely unhealthy. My advise for people is that we have to eat healthier food instead of eating fast food even if we have limited time. Otherwise, we might be slave of fast food companies, if we keep eating their unhealthy foods everyday.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 16: Revision of CAT #2

  In "Imitation of Film: Here's Smoking at You,Kid",  author Nicholas Balakar states affect of movies on our kids. November issue of Pediatric report shows us that kids at 10 to 14 have more risk to take up smoking, if they keep watching actors smoke in the movie. However, Dr James D. Sargent who is a professor of pediatric at Dartmouth Medical school, claim that R-rated movies are much more dangerous than other movies, . 6522 kids were asked about their movie viewing habits in this interview, and according to researchers result of interview is not cheering..

   As a person who likes to watch movie, I believe that those R-rated movies have negative effects on our kids. I strongly support the idea of the article which claim that characters from the movies, make our kids take up smoking at their young ages. I thing that movie makers have to take our kids into account while they make their movies. However, as a parent we have to control our kids, and we should not let them watch those kind of movies which contain harmful scenes.Moreover, we have to take  these associations serious which make a research about our kids.

   I am a person who likes to watch movies a lot, and of course as everybody I have some favorite movie stars such as Robert De Niro. Most of the time I prefer to watch his movies. Because the way he talks and acts make me watch his movies all the time. From time to time, I imitated him when I was a little boy, and I can say he is the one, who caused me take up smoking. Hence, my recommendation for the movie makers is that they have to make useful movies for our kids such as which contain  hazards of smoking.

   However, parents must pay attention what their kids are watching and imitating. I believe that it is very important for kids to watch movies under their parents control. As an adult we all know what kind of movies are helpful for our kids, and we have to realize that their personalties is not ready for those kind of movies, which contain harmful scenes. Thus, parents have to determine what kind of movies they should watch. Unfortunately, one of my little cousins  imitate some characters from one of his favorite programs called Sokak cocuklari (street boys) and he uses his pencil as a cigarette and walks around.

   On the other hand, I am aware  that associations which make some researches about our kids are very important for parents. Especially, parents who live in big cities, are very busy with their business. Thus, they do not pay attention enough for their kids, and that is why kids might make a harmful habits. Those kind of associations make parents realize that  what is helpful or harmful for their kids. I strongly believe that we have to support those kind of associations. Because, as we see in the reading passage on of these researches was made by one of these association and show us the result of research with numbers.

  In conclusion, we should give attention to our kids and support associations which make a research about our kids to help us while we raise a child. However movie makers might be more respectful to our kids, while they make their  new movies.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


   As a person who has been living  in a big city, I definitely agree with  the idea of  supporting family farms. I believe that family farms are very importand for our life. Because, i feel that it is the only one way that we can get our fresh and healty foods. However, according to farm aids, small family farms keep our enviroment much more clean than big companies do.But unfortunately, big companies force small family farms go out of the business which might make a lot harder to find fresh food for people.

  First of all, I strongly believe that family farms are only one way to get the fresh, healthy, and high quality food. Because, they produce their milk, meat or eggs in a natural way which mean they never use chemical in their product. However, they let their animals graze in natural environment, and they never let them eat artificial food. Thus, they can get healthy product from their animals.For example, if we visit a family farm, we will see that how these animals live in welfare and in a good condition.

  Second of all, family farms keep their community clean and also guarantee the preservation of green space with in the community. Because they do not have a lot of animals in their farms as much as big factories have. Therefore, they have less animal excrement, and it is easy to clean it. On the other hand, they do not have chemical wastes, because they never use chemicals in their product. Thus, they keep their water and land clean around their farms. If we visit a modern farm, we can easily see how the water is dirty because of  their chemical and animal excrement wastes.

   However, recently  modern factories are getting bigger and bigger everyday, and try to keep those small family farms out of the business. According to farm aids, every week 330 farmers leave their land, and very few young people become farmer today. Unfortunately, it is going to be very hard to find fresh, and healthy food for us in the future. I strongly believe that we need family farms product for our health. Because, definitely those chemicals are going to effect our health in negative way. For example, if we buy a box of milk we can read what kind of  harmful chemical does it contain in it.

   As a result, we all have to realize that how family farms are important for our life. However they are important for our environment as well. They keep our community clean and provide us high quality, and healthy food. Thus, we have to support family farm business by not buying modern farms product.

Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 15 part 1: MEATRIX

      One day Moopleus shows up there and asks Leo, if he wants to see what the real world look like. Moopleus offers him a red pill to see the real world. After Leo takes the red pill, they go to the real world, and see bunch of animals live together with no sunlight, and fresh air. This is a modern factory where most of egg, meat, and milk come from. Moreover, Moopleus tells Leo how family farms have been destroyed and how modern factories have become common. Moopleus tells Leo that, modern farms are not good for our health. Because, overuse antibiotic breed causing germs, and it makes us get closer to an epidemic if we keep eating those foods.
     In the second video, Moopleus says that, people have realized that foods come from Meatrix is unhealty.Therefore, they have started to buy healtihear food. After that, Leo, moopleus, and chickity went back to Meatrix. As soon as they got there, Leo things that, the first picture he saw in the Meatric is real. But then moopleus makes him realize that it is not the real World, and he says that it is the picture, mostly dairy farms used. Modern days dairy factories do not look like a family farm. Those kind of factories have unhealty condition.. Therefore it makes animals sick, because those animals spend their whole life in this factories with out moving around. However they inject unnaturel growth hormon to the poor animals which is forbidden to use in European Union, and Canada. At the end of the video, they have got Moopleus away people who wears black suits.
    At the begining of the video, we see tens of cows are walking through the factory, and getting out as a meat from the other door of the factory. One of those guys, who wear black, says that these kind of factories mostly work for fast food companies, and  also they can process five thousand cows every single day which is very fast. Therefore, people, who work in these factories can not work that fast, and sometimes they may get injured such as cutting their hands by knife.However when the meat line goes fast that manure's getting everywhere and leaking onto the meat which is unhealty. At the end of the video Leo and chickity rescue their friend Moopleus and they run away.