Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection on Skills.

    I definitely can say this class was very helpful for me. First I learned how to annotate a reading.Next step was how to summarize a CAT. Now I know that first I have to find main idea of reading and other important ideas such as key world and essential data. However now I know that I have to use title of the reading and authors name while I start my successful summary. And also I have learned how to write a thesis statement which includes claims, main idea, and reasons.Today I believe that I have improved a lot my writing skill  since I started this class.But still I think  I have problem with spelling.I know its not easy to learn it right away and also I know I have to practice  and read a lot  . I have been learning English for 2 years  but still I think I have a lot of problem with vocabulary. Every single day I learn new vocabulary but still I feel it is not enough.On the other hand I strongly believe that my English  will be much better than now by the end of this semester. I guess there is no any unclear material  for me from this class. Now i feel more confident because as i wrote above i have improved my writing skill a lot. I am sure next step will be much more helpful for me and I am going to write much better than now.

Blog 9: Reflecting on Paragraphing.

 I have learned how paragraphing is important for an essay.However i have learned that i have to start an paragraph with main idea which supports my claims. Than i have to explain my sentence with definition and examples.And also i have seen how transitions are important while i write an essay.

BLOG 8 "I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts"

   I definitely agree with author Jeffrey Kluger. I strongly believe it is really easy to deceive or at least change people's opinion. Today there are a few main way to change people's mind such as TV and radio broadcast. By this broadcast it is easy the change a mass of people at the same time.
  I think TV and Radio broadcast might be very dangerous if we don't use them right. Especially for politicians TV and radio is the most important device to reach people. Back in day we all saw how politician change people's opinion and made them agree with their opinions by using TV and radio. But this is not true. Because mostly people use those device to get to true news. I  have recently seen even news has big lies on the TV. It was tree days ago and  I was watching news on a Turkish channel. In the news it was saying an American war plane was hit by soldiers in Libya. But same news was different in American channels. It says an American war plane crashed because of a technical problem. I really don't know which one is true and which one that i have to believe. There is a only one true but two different news.
   However sometimes it might be hard to change people's opinion because of  information pollution. Because something or somebody made them believe in that. For example religions. There are four big religion and some other small religions in the world and people believe in these religions. Maybe they all go same target from different way but it is really hard to explain to people. Because they all believe that their own religion is right.First religion showed up in the world about three thousand years ago and since that they people used to lived in peace only two hundred forty five years.
   On the other hand it is easy to control people if they are uneducated or narrow minded. But if we educate people i believe that people can live in peace because they all are going to know the truth. So if we can find real truth and if the truth is one people may start to live in peace evidently they are going to learn same truth and live together such as ancient Greeks.
  As a result people might change their opinion if they find the truth and can live all together in peace.Even if we  they stubbornly support their opinion they have to respect each other. I believe this respect hold people together.

Blog 8: "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts" SUMMARY

      In the article " I Know the Truth, So Don'y Bother Me with Facts" the author Jeffrey Kluger tell us that how easy to deceive people by rumors. And sometimes people have misunderstood by their emotion about some specific topics.From Ohio State Univercity Kelly Garrett and Eric Nispet recruited 750 people who reported being familiar with and believe at least one of the rumors about proposed Islamic cultural center.They found out how easily people could convinced with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes However they are  surprised  during their research because he says that people .believe in what they now and support their own opinions.IN the last paragraph he ends his passage by telling we may not always agree on what those facts mean, but at a minimum w need to agree that they mean more than fantasy.

blog 7

  Today i learned what is the different between claim and thesis statement. Claim is a short argument but thesis statement includes main idea, claims and reasons. Information which was given my professor  about the topic was helpful form me while I learned. It was much more clear for me after i learned context of claim and thesis statement. I feel that every day I improve my writing skill little by little in this class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

blog 6

    Santa Claus: We do not  have Christmas in Turkey but we celebrate new year. But still kids in Turkey believe that  Santa Claus brings them some toys at new year's eve. I believed same thing when I was a kid.And I used to find some toys in front of my room's door on next morning. But it was not take too long .As I start to grow up I realize that is a fake hero for kids.
    Black cat: I always was told that I have run away if I see a black cat at night. Because it brings us bad luck. But now of course I believe it is not true either.
    Evel eye bead: We believe that the evel eye bead can protect us from jealousity of people. I don not believe it any more but my mom still believes in evel eye bead.

blog 5

    In Plato's " The Allegor of the Cave " Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain to him that is not easy to change our life with the other life If we have been living there for a long time.In the first paragraph Socrates tells Glaucon about prisoners whose legs and necks chained and live in a den for a long time. And they are not able to move or look around. Here Socrates states people are not able to see other things around. They have certain life that they can live. However Scrotes says that there is a fire behind them and some shadows on the wall in front of them that are reflected by fire. Here I believe that Scrotes try to show us religions and what people believe in. Because prisoners can not see them. They only imagine and give names for those things.
   Afterward Socrates tells imagine if a prisoner is free and he try to learn the truth about shadows on the wall. He sees sun and other life out of the cave but at last he goes back to den. Here, Scrotes try to explain us that its not easy to change our life or our belief right away. Because people have been living in this system for a long time. They have their own belief and life. Even if they try to change It, It is going to take time or we are going to go back our den where we are belong.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog 3: Reflecting on Summary

     First I would like to say how summarizing is important for us to show what we have learned from the article. Trying to find the main idea of a reading with some other ideas and data is important as well. We have to put these ideas in sequence but we can't add our own opinions while summarizing. It was not very difficult for me to learn how to summarize an article because it was simple so from now on I strongly believe that I can summarize an article very easily.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 4: Revision of "Hype."

    Unfortunately advertisement takes huge place in our life.  However we can see how serious it is with the numbers in the passage. Of course advertising has good and bad effects on people .Especially it is very easy to see the bad or good effects of advertising on people in New York.
    There are millions of companies in  New York and maybe every hour or every minute we can see their competition on the TV, radio or on the internet. I definitely believe those competitions have good effects on  people. Because sometimes such competition brings us good discounts with the advertisement and makes people aware of new products available in markets. However it may be the best way to learn how to buy or find  the item that you want to purchase. For example two months ago I wanted to buy a computer from a store but it was too expensive for me. Afterward the same computer that I wanted to buy was on sale and this time there was $200 discount for the computer. It was a TV commercial.  
    On the other hand advertising can cause people damage as well as have a great benefits. Especially some of those advertising has endless damage on kids. And most of them are internet commercials. I strongly believe that those kind of advertisings distract the attention of kids and make them lazy. For instance i have recently read an article in a newspaper which was about damage of advertising on kids. It says kids in America are spending more time watching TV each year than they are spending in school.Because usually kids spent their time on the internet even though they have to do their homework.  
     However advertising plays very important role in society. Kids overlook positive side of commercial and usually concentrate on negative side. That is why kids tent to eat more fast food and start smoking or drinking alcohol at their young ages. In my opinion we have to take some measures to prevent damage of advertising on kids.For example already in Europe, there are some rules were regulated by governments  for those kind of advertising which have bad effect on kids. In addition families play a major roles in this situation. They have to enlighten their kids about the positive and negative of advertisings. But sometimes advertising can also targets entire family rather than just kids. In this case even parent takes their place in this loop and can not hep their kids.
    As a result, obviously we can see some bad and good effect of advertising on people in my body paragraph. Eventually damage of advertising might be more serious on people. It is very easy to prevent bad effect of advertising by law. It is going to be more  useful if we use those commercials on good way for people.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


   In "I know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts" the author, Jeffrey Kluger indicates how people believe
in rumors. 750 people who were knowledgeable about rumors of proposed Islamic Cultural Center were recruited by R. Kelly Garrett and Eric Nisbet. They were surprised how easy it is to change people beliefs.
Even though people try to learn the truth, its usually does no good, explains Jeffery Kluger. He ends his piece by saying: "We may not always agree on what those facts mean, but at a minimum we need to agree that they mean more than fantasy".

Monday, March 14, 2011

blog 1

      I definitely agree with author. As a resident of New York city, I am aware that ads take a very big place in our life just like it is defined in this passage. I strongly belive that there are so many problems we have to face when it comes to ads, such as how ads distract us while we study, drive or watch Tv but the worst thing is ads make people spent their money recklessly.
     First of all, I would like to talk about what kind of harms does ad cause on people.Especially when it comes to students. As we know, most of the students choose to study on their computers since internet lets them find anything they want online. On the other hand, ad. Companies are aware that internet is one of the most useful fields for advertising which lets us watch thousands of ads without even clicking on them. I can easily say that online ads distracts students more than we think.
     Secondly, those ads makes people spent their money even though they don't need to buy that item. I can say this is the general problem for ever body. Big competition between companies make people confused. From time to time those companies display their discounts via internet ads, tv or radio commercials, and those kind of discount ads make people buy those items very easily. Its a big problem for me as well. Because whenever i see a discount ad it makes me want to buy it. Even though i don't need that item.
      In conclusion all we have to do is try to see benefit of ad and keep clear of damage of ad on people.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


After i switched my papers with my partner i realised that we may pay attention different part of topic and that's why we may take different not from each other.